Saturday 21 March 2009

what happened to glamour?

I was out last night to a club, and i realised noone really dresses to impress.
of course you have the sort of cliques that dress similar wether it be the slutty cheryl cole wannabes, emo/scene types with the 2005 fringe and a range of disasterous fashion victims in just simple jeans and t-shirt or plain unflattering dresses. what happened to the studio 54 days where people dressed elaborately in sequins, fur and spandex. free expression and personality played a great part in these peoples wardrobe decisions, but now its all about what someone can get a "squeeze" by flaunting as much skin or muscles as they can.
yukk in my opinion, c'mon ladies and gentlemen and those undecided have fun with what you wear be experimental its not always about getting it right its about having fun and expressing an emotion and evoking emotion from the public.
get out there guys be creative, have FUN!
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