Monday 23 March 2009

everybody goes to hollywood..

they wanna make it in the neighbour hood.
where in the whole entire world would you go if you wanted to make it big, to get your 15 minutes or more of fame?
HOLLYWOOD of course look how many stars have made the switch from either the UK or new york etc, to name a few victoria beckham, amy winehouse and rachel zoe.
these stars picked up there lives and moved to the city of angels, but the thing is with hollywood , noones an angel, everyones in it to win it. wether it be the thousands of budding actors serving your food, the singers, busking on the streets of venice beach or the dancers working in strip clubs just to pay the rent. its a dirty place, but the thing is if you want it badly enough, you'll get yourselve covered from head to toe in mud.
the reason they call it the fame game is because its a race, a race to the top and if you want it sooooo badly you'll step on whoever you have to to get there, BUT theres a better way of doing things, work hard have tons and tons of enthusiasim and ambition but try and be a friendly cutious person on the way the only thing you can do is make friends and friends can only improve your chances of excelling. network, be friendly you never know you might end up just being friendly to the right person a director a producer, whatever and landing a nice job.
but the only place to truly make it, is hollywood if you want it that bad, save, work hard and make the move. do it honest you wont regret it. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
the only thing i want to make clear, is

BELIEVE! believe in yourelf, and others around you that the best peice of advice and the one thing that will truly make you famous.

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